
5 Easy Steps to Converting Your Short-Term Rental: How HomeRoom Transforms a Roommate-Living Property in 60 Days or Less

5 Easy Steps to Converting Your Short-Term Rental:  How HomeRoom Transforms a Roommate-Living Property in 60 Days or Less

Converting your short-term rental isn’t a decision to make lightly. You’ve already put in a lot of work to make your property rental-friendly for all those constantly revolving tenants, as well as all the time you spent marketing your space, and ensuring that you’re up to snuff on local laws and ordinances.

Is Your Short-Term Rental Still Worth The Effort?

Is Your Short-Term Rental Still Worth The Effort?

Short-term rentals have seen a huge uptick in popularity in the past several years. Younger generations— that don’t tend to stay in one place long— are attracted to their convenience, and owners are drawn by their potential to garner substantial income if done right. Short-term rentals come with their own set of risks, and new obstacles seem to be emerging in real-time.